Peering at Puffins

Fancy getting a closer look at Flamborough’s seabirds? Join our Peering at Puffins events with our expert volunteers! You'll have the chance to use spotting scopes and binoculars to get fantastic views of wildlife on the cliffs...

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Bridlington Pride 2023

Bridlington Pride is back on Saturday the 1 July with another incredible day full of spectacular acts, family fun and entertainment for everyone. This year's Pride will kick off with a parade starting at 11am on South Side leading...

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Rent Protection

Landlord's guide to Rent Protection cover with Rent4sure Limited, working in partnership with Harris Shields Collection - Scarborough. If tenancies (or equivalent) go wrong and tenants (or equivalent) stop paying the rent, ensure...

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Given the current situation of rising living costs, interest rates and inflation we understand that having money tied up in a cash deposit scheme may be frustrating. That’s why we have partnered with Reposit so that you can...

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Scarborough Armed Forces Day 2023

After Scarborough triumphed at hosting the Armed Forces Day national event last year, the town has a full programme of memorable events lined up again for Armed Forces Day 2023. On Saturday 24 June thousands of people can expect...

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